Order a Tour from Canada Property Tours

Tour Information

* required fields


Select a Tour/Photography Package


Scheduling Instructions

Please select a date and time and we will do our best to accommodate your selection.
: clear

Agent Information


Office/Brokerage Address


Enter New Payment Information - Optional

wait Checking if you have a credit card on file...
*** Payment Method On File ***

Enter information for the card you want to store as a payment method. We'll go ahead and validate your card during this process.

*Leave all fields blank if you prefer to provide this information later.*

Credit Card Terms & Conditions

Thank you for storing your payment method. By providing this information you certify that you are the card owner or have authorization to charge on this card. Additionally you authorize Canada Property Tours to charge the card for the rendered services. Your financial account could be debited as early as today or at the time of delivery.

Submitting Order...